Tag: bethesda
Dishonored was one of the most magnificent new IPs to be released in the 2010s, and four years later we get its much awaited sequel. Dishonored 2 was… Continue reading
Today’s article is unlike others you will find on this site. It is no secret we write a lot. Today, we are writing less and instead presenting screenshots… Continue reading
DOOM, also known as DOOM 4 or DOOM 2016, is a reboot of the classic FPS franchise developed by id Software. The months leading up to the game’s… Continue reading
2015 was just full of surprises, most of them pleasant. Last year, we weren’t expecting 2015 to be a spectacular year for gaming, but much to our surprise… Continue reading
GND-Tech Presents: Essential Skyrim Mods! Okay. With this guide we’ll be showing you what Skyrim mods to get in order to make Skyrim a much more beautiful and… Continue reading
Welcome to our first gaming article of 2014! We like to start off new years with a bang, so here is a very important article. We look back… Continue reading
Hello GND! Today I present you with a review of the first DLC, Dawnguard, for Bethesda’s latest and greatest RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Dawnguard is a… Continue reading
Since Fallout 3 is quite popular even today, we figured it would be useful to make this article. Here’s a list of mods that we consider to be… Continue reading